2017년 10월 13일 금요일

Adult Webtoon Introduction 1- Heart Racing! My Office Lady S(My Office S)

1. Outline

 this is webtoon being serialized in toptoon. this has been running since July 2, 2015. As of October 11, 2017, The number of subscriptions reached 860 million. This ended its first season on February 11, 2016 and This started again on March 3, 2016 ended the second season on July 21, 2016. After that for a long time This work was canceled because of Painting artist's health problems. Finally The series resumed on April 12, 2017

2. Story

Office life with 5 sexy and mysterious bosses!

3. Main Character Introduction

Lee Mi-Nam

The protagonist of this webtoon. new recruit of IMO. He thinks he was living a normal life. But he suffers frome sex problem after he join imo. He is impervious to reason. However, When he is angry or in danger, he becomes extremely violent. For example He changed the sadistic Jeong Seong-A into a masochist. For season 1,2 and the beginning of season 3 , He was a drag. But he changed Active Guy because He knows that Jo Ha-Eun tricked him. So he plans to back her up and attck her with sex.

Jo Ha-Eun

Employee of IMO. The best femme fatale of this work. Sex Hedonist. For this webtoon, she always wants pleasure even if She falls into a crisis. So she concurred with Lee Jun-Won.

Yun Ju-Na

Please refer toAdult Webtoon Character Introduction 1- Yun Ju-Na for a detailed explanation.
Most Popular Character

Lee- Jun-Won

Kim Jin-Seok

Ji Hwi-Ryang

Seol Min-Gyeong

Jeong Seong-A

Im So-Mi

2017년 10월 10일 화요일

Adult Webtoon Character Introduction 1- Yun Ju-Na


 Yun Ju-Na is boss of Lee Mi-Nam who is main character of Heart Racing! My Office Lady S(called My Office). She is life team section chief of imo that is major portal site like google or naver. She is originally out of power struggle in the workplace. Then she had sex with Lee mi-nam so she got tangled up in the power struggle within the company.
 In the digression she is the most popular character in the this webtoon. Readers love her to be sexually humiliated.

Acting in Webtoon

season 1

 She is originally out of power struggle in the workplace the She felt sudden loneliness and She went out of work with him. Then the car broke down while working outside. she is cold in the car so she shared warmth with him. She invited him to her house. She had sex with him then Suddenly Seol Min-Kyeong came to visit so She left the house. She got a call from Lee Jun - won and went home again. She saw sex with lee mi-nam and seol min-kyeong.

season 2

 She saw sex with Lee mi-nam and Seol min-kyeong. but she had promis with lee jun-won so she She assigns him a new project. She become sex patner with lee mi-nam to explore lee jun-won's intention. But lee mi-nam continued to lie and she realized that it is useless. So she met lee jun-won but she fell into lee jun-won's trap. She was sexually abused by lee jun-won. She became a slave to lee jun-won in office

season 3

 She served Im so-mi as an intern for her vengeance. Lim So-mi is successful in joining Lee Mi-Nam. and Yun Ju-Na has sex with lee mi-nam for punishment. She intimidates lee mi-nam. Actually she gradually follows lee jun-won's conduct

2017년 10월 9일 월요일


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